DCP Scotland Branch
The Branch serves to represent the views of DCP members in Scotland. We work to promote clinical psychology and psychological services in Scotland as well as to enhance psychological knowledge and understanding for the benefit of the population of Scotland
The Branch works closely with several organisations including the NHS, Scottish Government, DCP-UK and groups in the voluntary sector.
The committee
Our current committee is made up of:
Chair: Claire Stark (Nov 2023 - Nov 2024, Past Chair Nov 2024 - Nov 2025)
Honorary Treasurer: Ciara Stiles (Nov 2023 - Nov 2026)
Committee Members:
- Alison Clark (appointed Nov 2022 - Nov 2025)
- Azucena Guzman (appointed Nov 2022 - Nov 2025)
- Adrian Ierna (appointed Nov 2023 - Nov 2026)
- Alison McMullan (appointed Nov 2023 - Nov 2026)
- Alison Clark (appointed Nov 2022 - Nov 2025)
- Kirstin Heggie (appointed Nov 2023 - Nov 2026)
- Kenneth MacMahon (appointed April 2024 - April 2027)
Health Board Representative: Rachel Pickles
DCP Scotland Review
The Newsletter of the Division of Clinical Psychology Scotland.
- Periodicals
Letter from the Chair - DCP-S Review
Volume: 1 Issue: 23
Date of Publication: 01-01-2021
Author(s): Alison Robertson
- Periodicals
The Colour of Madness, Edited by Samara Linton & Rianna Walcott - DCP-S Review
Volume: 1 Issue: 23
Date of Publication: 01-01-2021
Author(s): Amira Oudeh, Paul Watson, Steph Allan, Caroline Murray, Robyn Duffy, Alison Reddish, Michelle Jamieson, Amanda Brown
- Periodicals
Digital inclusion in running an online psychoeducation group in an Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service - DCP-S Review
Volume: 1 Issue: 24
Date of Publication: 01-01-2021
- Periodicals
Ethnicity, stigma and the perinatal period - DCP-S Review
Volume: 1 Issue: 23
Date of Publication: 01-01-2021
Author(s): Marie Claire Shankland, Leah Cronin
- Periodicals
Letter from the Chair - DCP-S Review
Volume: 1 Issue: 24
Date of Publication: 01-01-2021
Author(s): Alison Robertson
DCP Scotland Conference and Event Bursaries
Conference bursaries are available to support members of the DCP in Scotland to attend (physically or virtually) any academic or practitioner conference or CPD event relevant to their work (usually excluding CPD that would be expected as part of routine registration requirements e.g. therapeutic skills training).
- Each bursary consists of up to £200 to contribute towards the costs of registration and/or travel (if applicable)
- All applicants must be members of The British Psychological Society and DCP Scotland
- All applicants must agree to provide receipts for all relevant expenditures before any payment is made
- Applications should make a strong case for the need and the benefits of attendance
- Successful applicants are required to submit feedback in an article for the DCP-S Newsletter
- Applicants can only apply once in every calendar year.
Application process
Applicants will be required to provide:
- Name
- Organisation/affiliation
- BPS membership number
- Details of the conference or event that the applicant wishes to attend, including title of event, date(s) and registration costs
- A statement of not more than 150 words providing a brief explanation of:
- why a bursary is requested
- why the applicant should be awarded a bursary
- how the member benefits from attending the conference/event
All successful applicants will be requested to submit a blog-style summary of the event attended suitable for publication in the DCP Scotland newsletter.
How to apply
Applications are now open.
Please note: if you are successful, you will need to purchase the ticket to attend the relevant conference and provide a receipt to be reimbursed/claimed back.
If you have any further questions, please contact [email protected].