Power Threat Meaning Framework - Overview version
This shorter overview of The Power Threat Meaning Framework stands on its own, although readers may wish to refer to the main publication for more detail about particular aspects.
17 January 2018
This shorter overview publication of The Power Threat Meaning Framework stands on its own, although readers may wish to refer to the main publication for more detail about particular aspects. This version offers a brief summary of the principles and evidence from which the PTM Framework emerged, but its main focus is on the PTM Framework itself and the General Patterns derived from it. It thus approximates to Chapter 6 of the longer document. In addition, it includes appendices illustrating some of the ways in which non-diagnostic practice has already been successfully adopted both within and beyond services. The project team's aim was to produce a foundational document which sets out the philosophical, theoretical and empirical basis for such a framework and describes how it can serve as a conceptual alternative to psychiatric classification in relation to emotional distress and troubled or troubling behaviour.