International Guidelines on Computer-Based and Internet Delivered Testing
This guide provides internationally developed and recognised guidelines for good practice issues in computer-based (CBT) and internationally delivered testing.
31 January 2006
This guide for test users has been co-produced by the Psychological Testing Centre and the International Test Commission.
Over the past few years, the International Test Commission (ITC) has adopted a policy of promoting good practice in testing issues where international coordination of effort is most important. For example, the ITC has devised guidelines to promote good practice in test adaptations (Hambleton, 1994; Van de Vijver & Hambleton, 1996) and good practice in test use (ITC, 2001).
In recent years substantial and rapid developments have occurred in the provision of stand-alone and Internet-delivered computer-based testing. These developments raise a number of issues in relation to standards of administration, security of the tests and test results and control over the testing process.
Therefore, as the market for such testing increases and as the technological sophistication of the products increases issues associated with ensuring those developing, distributing, using and taking such tests and assessment tools follow good practice will increase in importance. In response to this, the ITC Council decided to invest in a program of research, consultation, and conferences designed to develop internationally agreed guidelines specifically aimed at Computer/Internet-based testing.