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Clinical, Neuropsychology, NHS

Clinical Neuropsychology Services - Delivering value for the NHS: A briefing paper for NHS commissioners and policy makers

This guidance is for commissioners and policy makers to better understand the benefits of investing in clinical neuropsychology services.

18 January 2015

This guidance has been written for commissioners and policy makers to better understand the benefits of investing in clinical neuropsychology services, and it is relevant to CCGs, Trusts, Health and Wellbeing Boards. Where there is a good neuropsychology service, patients with a wide range of neurological conditions, such as brain injury, epilepsy and stroke, benefit from specialist care for the cognitive and behavioural impact of their condition. This care improves quality of life for patients, maximises chances of recovery and leads to better outcomes, which in turn deliver savings for health and other services.

Download the briefing paper