
What is the difference between the unit cover sheet and the competency matrix?

All assessments within Portfolio 1 and Portfolio 2 must be submitted with a unit cover sheet attached.

On this sheet, you'll include the competencies intended to be claimed within that particular assessment unit.

Once the competence has been met and verified, your competency matrix will be updated by the office to include the verified competencies.

If the claimed competency is not met within the submitted piece of work, then the competency must be met within the resubmission of that piece of work.

Contact us

If you have any queries please contact the Qualifications Team.


Frequently asked questions
  • What is the practice report form and final practice report form?

    There are two versions of the practice report form which are used for post-2018 candidates.

    One is for completing within your progress submissions (while the placement is still ongoing) and is called the Practice Report Form.

    The second version is used at the end of a placement and is referred to as the Final Practice Report Form.

    Contact us

    If you have any queries please contact the Qualifications Team.


  • Do I need to be supervised for the entire time I'm enrolled on the Qualification?

    Although candidates are enrolled on the QCoP, they're required to remain in supervised practice.

    This also applies once the 450 supervised practice hours have been achieved.

    Contact us

    If you have any queries, please contact the Qualifications Team


  • Can a resubmission be fast-tracked or reviewed quicker?

    It's not possible for there to be a distinction between small and robust changes to a submission, due to assessor availability and resource.

    The portfolio would need to be reviewed in its entirety to ensure all competencies that were applied for are met within the assessment unit.

    Contact us

    If you have any queries please contact the Qualifications Team.


  • What is the difference between the unit cover sheet and the competency matrix?

    All assessments within Portfolio 1 and Portfolio 2 must be submitted with a unit cover sheet attached.

    On this sheet, you'll include the competencies intended to be claimed within that particular assessment unit.

    Once the competence has been met and verified, your competency matrix will be updated by the office to include the verified competencies.

    If the claimed competency is not met within the submitted piece of work, then the competency must be met within the resubmission of that piece of work.

    Contact us

    If you have any queries please contact the Qualifications Team.


  • Can competencies be submitted within a different assessment unit to the original submission?

    The programme had been designed to give candidates the choice of where to place their competencies.

    The board encourages candidates to think carefully about where each competency could be demonstrated most effectively and what evidence (e.g. knowledge, skills or practice) would be most compelling.

    Following assessment, if the supporting evidence is insufficient and a competency is deemed not met, candidates are required to amend the submission within the same unit.

    As competencies remain assigned to the same unit it was first applied for, it is recommended that candidates speak with their Co-ordinating Supervisor for advice in making the required improvements.

    Contact us

    If you have any queries please contact the Qualifications Team.