Understanding and Applying the Power Threat Meaning Framework

01 November 202210:00am - 12:00pm
  • Clinical
Free of Charge
People in office talking and smiling
Division of Clinical Psychology


We shall introduce key ideas from the Power Threat Meaning Framework (Boyle and Johnstone 2020) and illustrate how these can be applied, for example in acute mental health settings; with young people; and training staff and experts by experience.

The webinar offers an introduction to the ways the PTMF can be used to inform psychological formulation, team discussions and training, organisational change and personal understandings of distress.


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10:00 - 10:05

Welcome and introductions

Chair Dr Roman Raczka, Clinical Psychologist and Head of Psychology, Central London Community Healthcare; Chair of DCP UK

10:05 - 10:35

An introduction to the Power Threat Meaning Framework

Dr Tim Siggs, Clinical Psychologist, Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust; member of PTMF Committee.

10:40 - 11:00

Using the Power Threat Meaning Framework (PTMF) to inform Team Formulation in an adult acute inpatient mental health setting

Dr Faye Nikopaschos, Gail Burrell, Clinical Psychologist and Deputy Director, CNWL NHS Foundation Trust

11:05 - 11:25

The Power Threat Meaning Framework – Ermi's narrative

Dr Ian Newey, Clinical Psychologist, independent practice, Norfolk; member of PTMF Committee.    

11:30 - 11:50

Delivering Training on the PTMF to Staff and People with Lived Experience

Dr Ray Middleton, Independent trainer, consultant and lived experience practitioner; member of PTMF Committee.   


Questions and summary

Dr Roman Raczka

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Dr Roman Raczka

Dr Roman Raczka is currently Chair of DCP UK, and he also works as a Consultant Lead Clinical Psychologist employed as Head of Psychology for Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust. Roman's specialist areas of practice include Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities and Adult Autism Services.

Dr Tim Siggs

Dr Tim Siggs, Clinical Psychologist works in crisis services in Derbyshire and has interests in making use of the PTMF to support teams and the people using services, to consider distress in its social context and the function of attempts to cope and survive. He is a member of the BPS PTMF committee.

Dr Faye Nikopaschos

Faye is a Principal Clinical Psychologist and TIA Co-Lead for Acute Mental Health in CNWL.  She currently leads the acute psychology service at Northwick Park Hospital in Harrow.  

Gail Burrell

Gail Burrell (Deputy Borough Director) Gail is the Deputy Borough Director of Harrow Mental Health and TIA Co-Lead for Acute Mental Health in CNWL.  She is an Occupational Therapist by background, Cognitive-Behavioural Therapist and Motivational Interviewing trainer. 

Dr Ian Newey

Dr Ian Newey, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, enjoys portfolio employment in a number of settings in Norfolk, including work at a private acute mental health hospital, at a service for adopted, fostered and neurodiverse children, at a charity supporting bereaved children and in private practice. He is a proud father by adoption of a Black African daughter and has developed an interest in the impact of "race" on mental wellbeing.

Dr Ray Middleton

Dr Ray Middleton is an independent trainer and consultant, and is piloting a programme of trauma-informed training taking a dialogical approach towards staff development. He has a PhD on dialogical/narrative approaches to complex trauma and has written a chapter for a book opening a dialogue between America and Britain about innovative approaches to people without a home (Cross Cultural Dialogues on Homelessness). He is a Lived Experience Practitioner member of the PTMF steering committee.

Contact us

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