Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference 2022

14 September 2022 - 15 September 2022
  • Education
From £156
Three children smiling and whispering to each other
In person
Psychology of Education Section


Early Career Researcher and Post Graduate Researcher Symposium Competition

At the 2022 conference the PES committee will support a symposium to showcase the work of Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and/or Post-Graduate Research (PGR) students. Support will cover conference registration, accommodation, and travel costs. Accordingly, we invite ECRs and PGRs to convene a symposium for consideration in this scheme.

Symposia should follow the guidance contained within the Submission Guidelines doc and should consist of three or four papers and a discussant. The convener and presenters should all be ECRs and PGRs. It is permissible for the discussant, however, to be an established academic.

ECRs should be within five years of completing a doctoral programme and PGRs should be registered for a doctoral programme at a HEI. All applicants should be members of the Psychology of Education Section and submit the symposium through the regulation submission portal and ensure the box is ticked for "I wish to have this symposium considered for the ECR/PGR Symposium Competition".

Symposia submitted for this competition will be judged in a blind review on the criteria presented in the Submission Guidelines (written quality, suitability, scientific quality, and reach and significance). The award will be made to the highest scoring symposium.

If you have any questions, email [email protected]


Key Submission Dates

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March 2022

Online submission system open

22 June 2022

The deadline for Symposia, Oral Presentations, Workshop and Poster submissions

10 June 2022

Deadline for doctoral bursary applications

30 June 2022

Notification of submission outcomes for Symposia, Oral Presentations and Posters

15 July 2022

Notification of outcomes for doctoral bursary applications

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How to Submit

Please ensure you read the submission guidelines below before submitting, including the reviewer guidelines. These allow you to see how your submissions will be reviewed.

If you any queries about submissions please contact us at [email protected]

Guidance for bursary applicants

The British Psychological Society, Psychology of Education Section, will offer a number of bursaries for students (undergraduate or postgraduate) who have had a poster or paper accepted for presentation at our annual conference.

Applicants need to be members of the British Psychological Society, members of the Psychology of Education Section and must be registered as a student at a Higher Education Institution.

Bursaries will offer a 50% reduction in the conference fee for delegates choosing to attend the full two-day conference.

Please send a letter of application along with confirmation of your student status (e.g., a letter from your supervisor), by email to [email protected] with 'PES bursary application' in the subject line. Applications must be received by 4pm on 10th June 2022.


Registration is available online only. All rates listed are inclusive of VAT at 20%. All costs are inclusive of subsistence but not accommodation. To book accommodation at Wolfson College B&B please click here

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  Single Day Attendance Full Conference Attendance

PES Member



BPS Member £175.20 £343.20
Non-BPS Member £187.20 £374.40
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Conference Dinner included in ticket price.

Returning Customers (Members and non-members)

In order to register for the event, you will need to sign in using your BPS website log in details. We have implemented a new Membership Database (CRM) recently and if you haven't received your pre-registration email please contact [email protected] to request a re-send and follow the instructions received. Once pre-registered on the CRM use your USERNAME and PASSWORD to log in to register for the event.

Non-returning customers (Members and non-members)

If you are not a returning customer, you will need to create a free account. Once set up use your USERNAME and PASSWORD to log in to register for the event.


The Psychology of Education Section Conference will be held on 14 – 15 September 2022 at Wolfson College, Oxford.

Download the full conference programme

Download the book of abstracts

Location and accommodation

  • Wolfson College, Linton Rd, Oxford OX2 6UD

Book your accommodation for the conference, using the promotional code "BPS2022" 

Keynote speakers

Professor Peter K Smith (41st Venon-Wall Lecture), Goldsmiths College, University of London
The School Bullying Research Program: How and Why it has Developed.

Peter K. Smith is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Goldsmiths College, University of London.  He has researched extensively in aspects of children's social development, and was Head of the Unit for School and Family Studies there from 1998-2011. In 2015 he was awarded the William Thierry Preyer award for Excellence in Research on Human Development, by the European Society for Developmental Psychology, and in 2018 the Student Wellbeing and Prevention of Violence (SWAPv) Award, from Flinders University, Australia. In December 2018 he received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Vienna.

Smith has authored, co-authored or co-edited 38 books, and authored or co-authored 213 journal articles and 140 book chapters. His general works in children's development include Children's Development and the Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Social Development. His most extensive research recently has been on bullying and violence in schools. Publications include The Psychology of School Bullying and Making an Impact on School Bullying: Interventions and Recommendations, and The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Bullying: A Comprehensive and International Review of Research and Intervention.

Dr Sarah McGeown, Edinburgh University
Better together: Co-designing educational interventions with children, young people, teachers and other professionals

Sarah McGeown is Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology at the University of Edinburgh. Sarah's research focuses on understanding and improving the literacy experiences and outcomes of children and young people through collaborative research practices.  In 2019, she co-founded LALco ( a multidisciplinary network to connect those working across research, policy and practice, but with a shared interest in supporting the language and literacy skills and experiences of children and young people. Details of these projects can be found at:


Professor Gijsbert Stoet, University of Essex
Sex differences in educational outcomes are more profound than many people think

Sex differences in educational achievement and attitudes have been studied since the early years of psychological research. One consistent finding is that girls typically outperform boys in language related skills and boys often, but not always, outperform girls in certain mathematical abilities. In this talk, I will highlight some large and consistent differences as well as changes over time.

Further, I will show that sex differences in educational variables are often larger in countries in which women are more empowered. This is known as the gender equality paradox. I will illustrate this with our latest findings on adolescents' career aspiration.

Gijsbert Stoet studied psychology at the University of Groningen in Holland and was awarded his doctoral degree from the University of Munich. He has worked subsequently at the Washington University School of Medicine and, since 2006, five different universities in the UK, including Leeds, Glasgow, and now Essex.

His current research focus is individual differences, especially in regard to educational achievement and attitudes.

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