Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference 2024
- Health

Every year our Annual Conference attracts academics, researchers and practitioners from around the world. Our theme varies each year - in 2023 it was Health psychology: Current Challenges and Innovative Solutions.
The theme for this year's conference is Health for all: across systems and lifespans, in line with the national focus on health inequalities. There will be an increasing scientific focus on considering the social context of barriers and enablers to good health.
This year's conference will be held at the Stirling Court Hotel in Stirling. As well as top keynote speakers, the event will also feature presentations on recent research and a competition for the best poster presentation.
Download the full conference programme
Download the conference abstracts
Online Quiz
Time: Jun 6, 2024 - 04:15 PM
Join Zoom Meeting: https://bournemouth-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/81092537277?pwd=W5Lro7AmZ0l7Hwn9AqVGiNFeJHXmLn.1
Meeting ID: 810 9253 7277
Passcode: %6fKe5kg
How to Attend
This conference is taking place online and in person, in Stirling at:
- The Stirling Court Hotel
For directions, please click here
The conference is open to DHP members and non-members.
Please note this event may be recorded.
Presenter guidelines
- DHP Annual Conference 2024 - In-Person Presenter Guidelines
- DHP Annual Conference 2024 - Poster Presenter Guidelines
- DHP Annual Conference 2024 - Virtual Oral Presenter Guidelines
Contact us
If you have any questions please contact [email protected].
Registration must be made online.
Bookings for this event will close at 10:00 BST on Tuesday 4 June 2024. We will be unable to accept any further bookings after this point.
The Early Bird Rate will close at 11:59 BST Sunday 14 April 2024.
Please note: all rates listed are inclusive of VAT at 20%.
In Person 2 Day Attendance
Delegate category | Early Rate | Standard Rate |
Concession Member | £228 | £260 |
DHP Member | £300 | £375 |
Affiliate Subscriber | £348 | £440 |
BPS Member | £360 | £410.40 |
Non-BPS Member | £456 | £516 |
In Person Single Day Attendance
Delegate category | Early Rate | Standard Rate |
Concession Member | £198 | £220 |
DHP Member | £210 | £300 |
Affiliate Subscriber | £240 | £330 |
BPS Member | £300 | £360 |
Non-BPS Member | £336 | £384 |
Virtual 2 Day Attendance
Delegate category | Standard Rate |
Concession Member | £60 |
DHP Member | £99.60 |
BPS Member | £132 |
Affiliate Subscriber | £156 |
Non-BPS Member | £180 |
Virtual Single Day Attendance
Delegate category | Standard Rate |
Concession Member | £42 |
DHP Member | £60 |
BPS Member | £84 |
Affiliate Subscriber | £96 |
Non-BPS Member | £120 |
Please note this event may be recorded.
How to register
Returning customers (members and non-members)
In order to register for the event you will need to sign in using your BPS website login details.
We have implemented a new Membership Database and if you haven't received your pre-registration email you will need to request your unique registration link.
Once you have the link, you can complete your registration on our portal.
Once you have registered on the portal please use your username and password to log in and register for the event.
If you have forgotten your login details, you can reset your username or password.
New customers (members and non-members)
If you are not a returning customer, you will need to create your BPS account on the portal. The process is straightforward and takes just a few minutes.
Once you have registered on the portal please use your username and password to log in and register for the event.
Key submission dates
- 6 October 2023: Online submission system opens
- 22 January 2024: The deadline for Oral Presentations, Poster Presentations, Symposia, Structured Discussions and Workshop submissions
- 4 March 2024: Deadline for late breaking poster submissions.
Please note if you submit for this deadline, you will not be given an Oral Presentation, Symposia, Structured Discussions and Workshop.
Please see below for further information on how to submit.
- 12 March 2024: Notification of submission outcomes for Oral Presentations, Poster Presentations, Symposia, Structured Discussions and Workshop
If you would like to submit a late breaking poster for the Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference 2024 please complete the form and send this to [email protected] by 4 March 2024.
Download the poster submission form.
Authors are strongly advised to register on the on-line submission system and begin preparing their submissions well in advance of the following deadlines
If you wish to submit more than one abstract, please complete individual submissions for each.
How to submit
Please ensure you read the submission guidelines below before submitting, including the reviewer guidelines. These allow you to see how your submissions will be reviewed.
Submissions must be made via the online application portal.
If this is your first time submitting you will need to create an account.
- Access the Submission Guidelines and Submit Symposia
- Access the Submission Guidelines and Submit all other submissions
If you any queries please contact us at [email protected].
Conference Dinner
Come and celebrate the Division of Health Psychology, reconnect with your peers, and make new connections at our Annual Conference Dinner.
We are offering you a delicious 3-course menu, followed by dancing the night away with a traditional Scottish Ceilidh.
The conference dinner will be held on the evening of the 6 June 2024 at Stirling Court Hotel, and the price is included in your conference ticket. Please confirm if you will be attending the conference dinner by 6 May 2024.
Angel Marie Chater, University of Bedfordshire/ University College London
Keynote - Professor Angel Marie Chater, Institute for Sport and Physical Activity Research, University of Bedfordshire and Centre for Behaviour Change, University College London
Angel is the Director of the Institute for Sport and Physical Activity Research at the University of Bedfordshire, and the Co-Director of the NIHR-funded Policy Research Unit in Behavioural and Social Sciences where she leads the hubs at both Bedfordshire and UCL Centre for Behaviour Change. Her career has spanned over 20 years of research, teaching, training, and practice focusing on the interplay between health psychology and public health.
She has co-authored over 180 peer-reviewed publications and secured over £10 million in research income, extending pragmatic science to understand and intervene with factors that influence behaviours that impact on health, illness and the health care system. Her work spans multiple populations (children, adults, health professionals, policy makers), behaviours (physical activity, eating behaviour, medication use, health care communication), experiences (death, food insecurity), and health outcomes (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, anxiety, depression), often with a focus on those who are vulnerable, under-heard or under-served. The connecting thread of Angel's work is the application of behavioural science to optimise physical health and psychological wellbeing through the use of behaviour change intervention methodologies. Angel has represented the discipline as UK National Delegate for the European Health Psychology Society from 2011-2018 and was the Chair of the BPS Division of Health Psychology from 2019-2021, leading the committee and a BPS COVID-19 Taskforce in Behavioural Science and Disease Prevention during the pandemic. She is passionate about widening opportunities for training and career pathways in health psychology, and is a co-founder of the Health Psychology Exchange and Health Psychology in Public Health Network, now known as the Behavioural Science and Public Health Network.
Marie and Derek Johnston: As Yet Untitled
Marie and Derek Johnston are Emeritus Professors of Health Psychology at the University of Aberdeen, and among the founders of the discipline of Health Psychology in the UK. In an exclusive event, which will kick off DHP 2024 and last approximately 1 hour, this is your opportunity to ask them anything you've ever wanted to know about the history and future of Health Psychology, or any questions about their research. The event will be chaired by Jo Hart, Professor of Health Professional Education at the University of Manchester and Chris Armitage, Professor of Health Psychology at the University of Manchester.
Derek Johnson
Derek Johnson is an Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of Aberdeen and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. His primary research interests are stress, including occupational stress, fatigue, psychological and behaviour aspects of cardiovascular diease, and understanding and increasing activity in various groups. He uses a range of methods including ambulatory physiological measurement, real time diary studies (ecological momentary assessment) and n-of-1 methods. He has published over 170 articles.
Marie Johnston
Marie Johnston is a Registered Health and Clinical Psychologist, and Professor Emeritus of Health Psychology at the University of Aberdeen.
She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh and Honorary Fellow of the British Psychological Society, European Health Psychology Society and the Health Psychology and Public Health Network.
She conducts research on behaviour change in health and healthcare contexts and on disability (theory, measurement and intervention).
In 1986, she became the first chair of the Health Psychology section of the BPS and in 1992, the second president of the European Health Psychology Society. She has served on numerous BPS committees and in 1994 gained the BPS President's Award.
Her previous posts were at the University of St Andrews, London University (Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine) and Oxford University, having completed her BSc at the University of Aberdeen and PhD at the University of Hull.
For further details on the speaker please see here :https://www.abdn.ac.uk/iahs/research/health-psychology/profiles/m.johnston
Please email your questions to Emily Arden-Close, Conference Lead, at [email protected] by 10th May 2024. You will need to ask your question as part of the session.
Vivien Swanson, University of Stirling
Keynote - Professor Vivien Swanson, University of Stirling
Health Psychologist; C Psychol, MSc Course Director Scottish Diabetes Group Psychology Working Group member - 2007 to date Member, Psychology Advisory Group to Chief Medical Officer, Scotland. March 2004 to 2006. Health Education Board for Scotland : Breastfeeding Education in Schools : Member of Special Working Group Committee. October 2001 - 2003. Member of NHS Health Scotland Breastfeeding Expert Group, October 2003 to 2006. Health Psychology Chair – British Psychological Society, Division of Health Psychology – Scotland. Feb. 2010 to date Secretary – British Psychological Society, Division of Health Psychology – Scotland. Feb. 2004 to 2007 Founder member of BPS Division of Health Psychology Scottish Committee. Feb. 2003 Division of Health Psychology, Exam Board. Member 2004 – date Stage 2 Examiner 2008 Division of Health Psychology, Training Committee. Member, 2004 - date Review Panel : Validation of MSc Course, Liverpool John Moore's University, 2005 Member, Psychology Advisory Group to Chief Medical Officer, Scotland. 2004-6
Infant Feeding
Health Education Board for Scotland : Breastfeeding Education in Schools : Member of Special Working Group Committee. October 2001 - date. Founder member Scottish Infant Feeding Research Network. April 2002 to date. Fife PC NHS Trust : Breastfeeding in Schools Project Committee. June 2002 to date. Member of NHS Health Scotland Breastfeeding Expert Group, October 2003 to date
Member of Scottish Diabetes Group Psychology Working Group – 2007 – date Member Diabetes Education Action Group 2008 to date SIGN Guideline Group – Diabetes Lifestyle September 2008 - 2009
University of Stirling
Mental Health Panel University of Stirling: November 2000 – October 2003 Education Design Committee Psychology, June 2003 to date. Stress at Work : University Working Group, University of Stirling. Jan 2004 to date
For further details on the speaker please see here: https://www.stir.ac.uk/people/256425
Adrian Whittington, National Clinical Lead for Psychological Professions at NHS England
Invited Talk: Adrian Whittington, National Clinical Lead for Psychological Professions at NHS England
Adrian is the National Clinical Lead for the Psychological Professions at NHS England. In this role, Adrian provides professional leadership and advice across the national NHS teams aimed at maximising the impact of the psychological professions for the public and delivering the ambitions of the NHS Long Term Plan.
He is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist. He is passionate about making the NHS more psychological, including increasing access to evidence-based psychological interventions and therapies.
Adrian also co-chairs the Psychological Professions Network England Board. Adrian is a clinical specialist in psychological therapy for post-traumatic stress Disorder.
He has written and co-edited books on anxiety, cognitive behavioural therapy, and clinical psychology.
For further details on the speaker please see here: https://www.england.nhs.uk/author/dr-adrian-whittington/
If you require accommodation for the conference, we suggest booking at Stirling University's on-campus accommodation.
Accommodation is offered on a first come first serve basis, and there are two options available:
Stirling Court Hotel
Price: £89 for 1 classic double bedroom and breakfast, per room per night.
To book your accommodation at the Stirling Court Hotel please use promo code: 279630
If you have any questions, please contact: 01786 446000
Willow Court
Willow Court is part of Stirling University student accommodation and is a 10 minute walk from Stirling Court Hotel.
Price: £55 for 1 ensuite bedroom and breakfast, per room per night.
To book your accommodation at Willow Court please use promo code: 279630
If you have any questions, please contact: 01786 466000
Stage 2 Graduation Ceremony
One exciting part of our conference programme each year is to celebrate candidates who have recently completed their stage 2 independent route qualification. If you have recently qualified you are very welcome to come along to this small event with up to two guests where we will celebrate your achievement with you! Please sign up using the form so we have an idea of numbers.
Pre-Conference Workshops
The below Pre-Conference Workshops will be taking place on Wednesday 5th June 2024 from 1.30pm - 4.30pm at Stirling Court Hotel, Stirling, Scotland, FK9 4LA
Attendance is free of charge for this year's event as the committee has been able to subsidise the tickets.
Please sign up via the following link: https://forms.office.com/r/i8DLhXJScL
Wednesday 5th June - 1.30pm - 4.30pm
Workshop 1 - NHS Education for Scotland's MAP of Health Behaviour Change Learning Programme.
The MAP of Health Behaviour Change Learning Programme aims to build capacity (knowledge, skills and confidence) in health, care and third sector practitioners working in any service where lifestyle or behaviour changes could enhance a person's health and well-being.
The aim of this workshop is to increase participants' awareness of the barriers and levers to changing health behaviours and to further their knowledge of the MAP approach to behaviour change. This will be achieved through interactive activities and discussion, to enable the learner to reflect on how these barriers and levers influence behaviour, and how they can use some of the technique to support their own and others' wellbeing. It is based on the Scottish Government's Health Behaviour Change Competency Framework (Dixon & Johnston, 2010) and includes evidence-based skills and behaviour change techniques that professionals can use to support people to:
- Explore their motivation to initiate and maintain behaviour change.
- Act on that motivation.
- Manage the impact of the environment (internal and external prompts and cues) on the person's efforts to make changes.
Facilitators: Dr Michelle Clark and Dr Callum McHale Chartered Health Psychologists
Wednesday 5th June - 1.30pm - 4.30pm
Workshop 2 – Consultancy engagement: working with pharma as a health psychologist
This interactive workshop will introduce participants to the concept of consultancy working with pharmaceutical companies and how a health psychologist can contribute in research, psychological interventions and patient engagement strategy.
The workshop is suitable for anyone in the health psychology community who are interested to learn about patient engagement capabilities and concepts utilised to develop effective patient support solutions.
Learning outcomes:
- Participants will be introduced to the structure and product lifecycle of drug development in pharma
- Works across illustrative examples of patient engagement solutions
- Understand how to use research insights to interpret and build a patient engagement strategy
Facilitator(s) – Dr Sumira Riaz, Chartered Health Psychologist