Applied exercise psychology: psychological approaches to movement and health

11 January 20231:00pm - 2:30pm
  • Sport and Exercise
From £10
Sports team putting hands in together
Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology


Whilst sport and exercise psychologists have traditionally focused on high performance sport, there is a growing interest in recent years on the application of psychology to improve physical activity engagement for the general public. 

This event is open to members of either BPS or the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences and will discuss the application of "exercise psychology" within varied contexts, from the fitness industry, to health contexts, to weight management.  

Through case examples and practical insights, we hope to equip delegates with an understanding of how psychologists might play a role in promoting a healthy relationship with movement and an appreciation of the complexities of "exercise" for different groups. 

The session will be relevant both for trainee sport and exercise psychologists looking to increase their physical activity portfolio, and for psychologists from other fields looking to upskill in the area of physical activity and health.


This event is open to BPS members and The British Association of Sports and Exercise Sciences (BASES) members only

Registration is available online only. 

 Registration Fees (Incl. VAT at 20%)

BPS Member


The British Association of Sports and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Member



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Welcome from chair - setting the scene for Applied Exercise Psychology

Chair: Isabella Cacciatore, Trainee Sport and Exercise Psychologist

Delivering psychological support through 'walk and talk'

Hannah Prince, Trainee Sport and Exercise Psychologist, Glasgow Caledonian University

Tackling exercise anxiety in individuals living with overweight

Dr Paula Watson, HCPC-Registered Sport and Exercise Psychologist, Made Up to Move 

Motivational interviewing in clinical exercise: how it works in practice

Dr Amanda Pitkethly, HCPC-Registered Sport and Exercise Psychologist, Edinburgh Napier University and about-change

Applying psychological approaches to the fitness industry

Clara Swedlund, Trainee Sport and Exercise Psychologist, The Exerpsych

Ella Whitcomb, Trainee Sport and Exercise Psychologist, Liverpool John Moores University and The Fitness Psych

Closing remarks


Dr Paula Watson, HCPC-registered Sport and Exercise Psychologist, Made Up To Move 

Hannah Prince, Trainee Sport and Exercise Psychologist, Glasgow Caledonian University

Dr Amanda Pitkethly, HCPC-registered Sport and Exercise Psychologist, Edinburgh Napier University 

Clara Swedlund, Trainee Sport and Exercise Psychologist, The Exerpsych

Ella Whitcomb-Khan, Trainee Sport and Exercise Psychologist, Liverpool John Moores University and The Fitnesspsych


If you have any questions, email

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