Elections 2025: Nominations for Elected Trustee
Find out how to submit your nomination for the role of Elected Trustee
We are seeking nominations of members to stand for election for Elected Trustee 2025-28.
The role of Elected Trustee is a member of the Board of Trustees, which is responsible for overseeing the running of the British Psychological Society.
Information on the role - and the process for making a nomination - is below. You can also download the information as a PDF.
Nominations open on 2 April.
Information on standing as a BPS Elected Trustee
Trustees are members of the Board of Trustees and are collectively responsible for overseeing the running of the British Psychological Society.
The Board is the final decision point for determining the society's strategy and sets the policies by which the society operates.
The Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring compliance with the society's charitable objects, protecting the society's assets and reputation, and managing risk on behalf of the society's membership, and is ultimately charged with ensuring the long-term health and good running of the society.
Trustees provide independent insight and challenge to the society's management and staff, with the intention of ensuring that the society is well-led, well-run, and delivers maximum value for members and impact in line with the society's Royal Charter.
Responsibilities of the role
Elected Trustees are not delegates or representatives of members of the society on the Board of Trustees. The primary duties and responsibilities of an Elected Trustee are as a Trustee.
All Trustees are responsible for the effective running of the society, including by:
- ensuring that the society complies with its Royal Charter, Statutes and Rules, charity law, and any other relevant legislation or regulations;
- ensuring that the society pursues its objects as defined in its governing documents, that it applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of the society;
- contributing actively to the Board of Trustees by giving firm strategic direction to the society, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets, and evaluating performance against agreed targets;
- challenging and questioning, in a constructive and respectful manner;
- working closely with, and holding to account, the Chief Executive and Senior Leadership Team for delivery of the society's strategy and operational plans, including budget;
- acting in the best interests of the society and safeguarding its reputation and values;
- building and maintaining an interest in the society's activities;
- gaining the trust and respect of other Board members; listening sensitively to the views of others, inside and outside the Board;
- building and maintaining positive working relationships with fellow Trustees, members of the Senate, Chief Executive and Senior Leadership Team.
Person specification and term
Trustees will come from a range of backgrounds – and for the Board to have maximum effectiveness it will aim for diverse composition.
The common qualities that all Trustees would be expected to have, however, are:
- sound judgement along with the highest professional standards, reputation and integrity;
- existing non-executive experience, with an understanding of strategy and corporate governance;
- cultural/political sensitivity and regulatory understanding;
- strong communication skills and the ability to work with others;
- the ability to constructively question and challenge;
- wider leadership skills and the ability to think strategically;
- strong performance management and analytical skills.
Trustees who are members of the society do not need specific knowledge of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship prior to becoming a Trustee, but will be expected to complete the society's training and induction at the outset of their term.
Elected Trustees hold office until the third Annual General Meeting after the Annual General Meeting at which they were elected. Elected Trustees may be re-elected.
Election process for Elected Trustees
Further information on the election process.
- The society will invite eligible members to stand for election as Elected Trustees. This announcement will be made on the society's website and included in direct-to-Members communications. Members will be directed to the role specification, person specification, and questions to be answered by candidates in writing.
- Members wishing to stand for election as Elected Trustees must be proposed by two or more Members who are Chartered Members, Graduate Members, Associate Members, Full Members, or Honorary Members who have been Chartered Members, Graduate Members, Associate Members or Full Members. The society will inform members of the date by which proposals should be submitted. This date will be at least eight weeks before the Annual
General Meeting. - Candidates will be asked to provide written answers to a number of questions.
- In certain circumstances, an individual may be disqualified from serving as a Trustee under the law or under the society's governing documents. Candidates will be asked to confirm that they are not disqualified. The society may carry out checks to ensure that candidates are not disqualified from standing.
- Information provided by each candidate, and by each person nominating a candidate, will be made available to members as indicated in the nomination form.
- Candidates will be informed of the society's guidance on campaigning in society elections.
- The society will arrange for a vote of members to be held for each Elected Trustee vacancy.
- If there is one post of Elected Trustee available, each member will have one vote. The vote will be on the basis of first past the post. If there is only one candidate standing for election when there is one Elected Trustee post available, that candidate will be deemed elected without a vote.
- If there are two posts of Elected Trustee available, each member will be able to cast a total of two votes, with one vote being cast for each of the two candidates selected by the member. The vote will be on the basis of first past the post. If there is a total of either one candidate or two candidates standing for election when there are two Elected Trustee posts available, that candidate or those candidates will be deemed elected without a vote.
- The results of the election will be announced at the relevant Annual General Meeting.
- The society will publish the results of the election on its website and in any society publications and/or elsewhere as it deems appropriate
Time commitment
What is expected of an Elected Trustee?
This is a voluntary role. Expenses are paid in accordance with the society's policies. An indication of the expected time commitment is as follows:
Meeting/activity | Number per year | Where | Duration per event | Annual total days per activity |
Scheduled Board of Trustees | 4 | Leicester or London or virtual/hybrid | 1 day, usually from 10am until 2.30pm/3pm | 4 |
Possible additional Board of Trustees meetings | 2 | Leicester or London or virtual/hybrid | Half a day | 1 |
Board of Trustees away days/strategy days | 2 | Leicester or London or virtual/hybrid | 1 day | 2 |
Attendance at a Subcommittee of which the Trustee is a member | 4 | Virtual | Half a day | 2 |
Potential membership of ad hoc groups | 4 | Virtual | Half a day | 2 |
Preparation for meetings | Up to half a day a month | 6 | ||
Estimated total annual time commitment | 17 |