Elections 2024: President-Elect application notes

Notes for those applying for the position of President-Elect

Information for those applying for the position of President-Elect

The most important thing to recognise if applying for this position is that becoming President-Elect means that you will automatically become a trustee of the society.

The Board of Trustees is the society's governing body, whose remit is to oversee the society's practices and ensure that its policies are true to its mission statement(s) and values. It works alongside and oversees the work of the Senior Leadership Team of the Society, in a co-operative and positive working relationship. Effectively, the Board of Trustees is responsible for policy, while the Senior Leadership Team is responsible for operations.

The Board of Trustees has collective responsibility, with no single member having more influence than any other, although its Chair may have a casting vote in tied decisions. As President-Elect or President, therefore, you will share that collective responsibility with the other members of the Board of Trustees.

The board typically meets five or six times a year, although this may vary depending on circumstances. In addition, members of the board are expected to participate in at least one of its Subcommittees, e.g. Finance or Governance. As President, you would also be expected to liaise frequently with the Chief Executive and members of the Senior Leadership Team.

The President is also, of course, expected to represent the Society and to speak for the Society in external matters as appropriate. This means that the responsibilities of the position may also involve specific training, for example in media interactions or the understanding of finance issues.

Becoming President of the BPS therefore involves working as a member of a team, rather than as an individual. It also requires the person concerned to be in a position to allocate a significant amount of time to the position, and to be able to devote additional time in the case of unforeseen or unusual circumstances.

To be chosen as President-Elect by the members of the Society is an honour, and it involves a significant personal commitment, if the trust implicit in that honour is to be respected.

Nicky Hayes, President 2022-2024

Roman Raczka, President-Elect 2023-2024