CPD Reviewer - role description

The BPS Professional Practice and Development team are committed to delivering a range of high quality, relevant CPD opportunities for BPS members and beyond. Our pool of reviewers are vital for us to achieve this aim.

Key responsibilities 

As part of this role you may be invited to:

  • Review webinar or workshop proposals and recommend if you'd approve for the training to proceed as planned. If not, advise what is missing and raise any risks or concerns to its delivery. We anticipate that this would take 
    approximately one hour per proposal.
  • Review draft learning outcomes and advise if you think they sufficiently address the key learning points that you'd expect to see in the course. Recommend improvements or alternatives if they do not meet your 
    expectations. We anticipate that this would take approximately one hour.
  • Review outline course designs and provide your insight as to whether the course structure is appropriate for achieving the intended learning outcomes, and recommend improvements or alternatives. We anticipate that this would 
    take approximately one to two hours.
  • Review course material, including for our eLearning modules, and advise any risks or concerns with the proposed content. For example, is anything factually incorrect or that you'd suggest omitting? We anticipate that this would 
    take approximately two hours.
  • Be consulted upon about a CPD idea or development on an informal basis. 
  • Review applications for our CPD Quality Mark scheme against the scheme standards and recommend whether the course should be approved. The standards cover aspects such as course design, content and delivery, ethics standards, and quality management. The length of time this would be likely to take will vary according to the application, and a rough guide is as follows:
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Type of courseExpected time commitment for a reviewer
Category A - 7 hours or less of learningUp to 1 hour
Category B - 8 to 35 hours of learningUp to 1.5 hours
Category C - more than 35 hours of learningUp to 2.5 hours
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How does it work?

We'd ask for your top three-four areas of expertise. If we are developing, or intending to develop, some CPD in one of your specialist areas, we may invite you to undertake one or more of the responsibilities above. 

If invited, you will be presented with the specific requirements. We would usually ask for one to two week turnaround in order to remain on track with overall project timescales but appreciate that this role is voluntary and so will strive to remain flexible. You can then decide whether or not you are able to participate on that occasion. 

We'd keep in touch with you on a regular basis with regards to our CPD programme. 

If we have received a CPD Quality Mark application from a course in one of your specialist areas, we may invite you to review the application against the standards as set out in the CPD Quality Mark Handbook. The turnaround time would on average be 2 to 4 weeks depending on the type and length of course.


Payment for the role is as follows:

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ActivityPayment to the reviewer
Review webinar/workshop 
Review draft learning 
Review outline course 
Review course material£200
Review quality mark scheme 
application – Category A (7 
hours or less of learning)
Review quality mark scheme 
application – Category B (8-
35 hours of learning)
Review quality mark scheme 
application – Category C 
(more than 35 hours of 
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