Focus group

Get involved with CPD

Support the development of others by contributing to our CPD portfolio.

Ways to support CPD

There are three ways for our members to support the professional development of others – from delivering webinars and workshops, or working as a subject matter expert creating CPD content, to acting as a reviewer by assessing submitted proposals or Quality Mark applications, or reviewing draft learning design and content. 

  1. Deliver a professional development session
  2. Join our subject matter expert pool
  3. Become a CPD reviewer

1. Deliver a professional development session

We are seeking proposals from our members for the delivery of webinars, online workshops and in-person workshops. Proposals should appeal to a broad range of areas of the discipline and your proposal can be on any area of psychology.

CPD presenters will be paid a fee and expenses. 

To submit a proposal, please email a completed proposal form to [email protected].

2. Join our subject matter expert pool

We are looking for members to join our pool of subject matter experts (SME) to work with us on a range of CPD development and delivery opportunities.

We welcome applications from our members with experience of designing and delivering training in academic or practice settings.

Applications from all fields of psychology are encouraged.

SMEs will be remunerated for your participation, and examples of areas you may be invited to collaborate on include:

  • Generating ideas for CPD
  • Considering training requirements of a course and supporting the preparation of a course specification
  • Providing recommendations and subject matter expertise (this may include recommending other contacts to consult with)
  • Developing course learning outcomes
  • Writing course content
  • Testing the course throughout its development
  • Delivery of online webinars and online or in-person workshops

Read the subject matter expert role description for further information.

How to apply

To apply to join our SME pool, please submit a CV and brief personal statement (max 500 words) to [email protected] outlining;

  • Your key areas of expertise
  • What experience you have in the design and development of training
  • How you have worked collaboratively in the design and development of training

Feel free to browse all of the courses we currently provide by visiting BPS Learn.

If you want to discuss this more, please contact the Professional Development Team at [email protected]

3. Become a CPD reviewer

We are currently looking for Chartered Psychologists to act as reviewers. 

This may involve any of the following:

  • Review webinar or workshop proposals  
  • Review draft learning outcomes or course proposals
  • Review course material
  • Review applications for our CPD Quality Mark scheme

Read the CPD reviewer role description for further information.

How to apply

If you are interested in becoming a reviewer, please email [email protected]