Consultation responses
Read through our past consultation responses
Previous consultation responses
- BPS Response – Welsh Parliament scrutiny of the Legislative Consent Memorandum on the Mental Health Bill
- BPS Response - Older People's Commissioner for Wales (Future Actions)
- BPS Response - Education Committee Inquiry: Solving the SEND crisis
- BPS Response – Spending Review 2025
- BPS Response - Health and Social Care Committee Inquiry on Community Mental Health Services
- BPS Response - Rehabilitation and resettlement - ending the cycle of reoffending
- BPS Response - Scottish Labour Manifesto Consultation
- BPS Response - Work and Pensions Committee Inquiry: Safeguarding vulnerable claimants
- BPS Response - Public Accounts Committee Inquiry: Support for children and young people with special educational needs
- BPS Response - Health & Social Care Committee Inquiry on Adult Social Care Reform
- BPS Response - Ministry of Justice Sentencing Review
- BPS response – Curriculum and assessment review
- BPS Response – Welsh Government pre-engagement survey on the Dementia Action Plan
- BPS Response - NHS Constitution 10 year review
- BPS Response - 10 Year Health Plan
- BPS Response - Children's hearings system redesign (Scottish Government)
- BPS Response - Scottish Government AWIA updates
- BPS Response - Perinatal Workforce Action Plan
- BPS Response - 'Moving On' from Care into Adulthood (Scottish Government Consultation)
- BPS Response - Autumn Budget 2024
- BPS Response - Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill
- BPS Response - Non-fatal strangulation and suffocation offences
- BPS Response - Changes to regulations relating to the Care Quality Commission
- BPS Response - Improving non-medical help for disabled students in higher education
- BPS Response - The state of HIV and sexual health services in the UK
- BPS Response – Welsh Government draft suicide and self-harm prevention strategy
- BPS Response – Welsh Government draft mental health strategy
- BPS Response - Scottish Government consultation on restricting promotions of food and drink high in fat, sugar or salt
- BPS Response – Welsh Government Children Missing in Education Database
- BPS Response - Ending Conversion Practices in Scotland
- BPS Response - Scottish Government Learning Disabilities, Autism and Neurodivergence Bill consultation
- BPS Response - Senedd (Welsh Parliament) Inquiry into Children on the Margins
- BPS Response - Mental Health Standards of Care (Wales) Bill
- BPS Response - Department of Education Guidance for Schools and Colleges: Gender Questioning Children
- BPS Response - Imposition of community and custodial sentences
- BPS Response - HCPC English Language Proficiency
- BPS Response - NICE decision aid on making decisions about managing depression
- BPS Response – Welsh Government call for evidence on conversion therapy
- BPS Response - Care & Treatment of Eating Disorders: National Specification
- BPS Response - PSA review of HCPC's performance 2023
- BPS Response – HEIW Consultation on the Perinatal Workforce in Wales
- BPS Response – UK Parliament Welsh Affairs Committee inquiry into Prisons in Wales
- BPS Response - Department for Health and Social Care interim delivery plan on MECFS
- BPS Response - Treasury Autumn Statement 2023
- BPS Response - NHSE consultation access to puberty blockers for children and adolescents
- BPS Response - Family Justice Council consultation on responding to allegations of alienating behaviour
- BPS Response - Scottish Government consultation. A Human Rights Bill for Scotland
- BPS Response – Senedd Children, Young People and Education Committee inquiry into disabled children's access to education
- BPS Response - Northern Ireland Executive Office Strategic Framework to End Violence Against Women and Girls
- BPS Response - Victims, Witnesses and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill September 2023
- HCPC Principles for Preceptorship and Implementing Preceptorship guidance
- BPS response to the HCPC guidance on social media
- BPS response to the HCPC Consultation – Standards of conduct performance and ethics
- BPS Response - Northern Ireland Department of Health Equality Impact Assessment 2023-24
- BPS Response – Welsh Government draft guidance on school attendance
- BPS Response - Consultation on the Northern Ireland Domestic and Sexual Abuse Strategy
- BPS Response - Scottish Government National Outcomes Consultation
- BPS Response - DfE Expert Advisory Group - Maths to 18
- BPS Response - Welsh Government consultation on the draft statutory guidance on the Single Unified Safeguarding Guidance
- BPS Response - NICE consultation on stroke rehabilitation guidance
- BPS Response - Senedd Health and Social Care Committee inquiry into support services for people with chronic conditions
- BPS Response – Senedd Equality and Social Justice Committee inquiry into the public health approach to preventing gender-based violence
- BPS Response - Professional Standards Authority draft strategic plan 2023-2026
- BPS Response - NICE depression in adults draft quality standard
- BPS Response - Education Committee investigation into support for childcare and the early years
- BPS Response - Scottish Government consultation Adult Secondary Mental Health Services draft quality standards
- BPS Response - Scottish Government consultation on Delivery of Psychological Treatments and Interventions, National Specification
- BPS Response - Use of reasonable force and restrictive practices in schools
- BPS Response - Children's Social Care National Framework and Dashboard
- BPS Response - Regulating anaesthesia associates and physician associates
- BPS Response - Children's social care strategy: Stable Homes, Built on Love
- BPS Response - Performance Review of the HCPC 2022-2023
- BPS Response - the HCPC Fees Consultation
- BPS Response - NHSE Interim Service Specification for CYP gender services
- BPS Response - Mental Health Bill Call for Evidence
- BPS Response - Department of Education SEND review
- BPS Response - call for evidence for the National Disability Strategy Inquiry
- BPS Response - Health and Care Committee's call for evidence on the impact of body image on physical and mental health
- BPS Response - Consultation on Banning Conversion Therapy
- BPS Response - Department for Health and Social Care's Inquiry into Acquired Brain Injury
- BPS submission to the All Party Parliamentary Group on HIV and AIDS call for evidence on quality of life and HIV
- BPS Response - Revised Behaviour in Schools Guidance and Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Guidance
- BPS Response - DHSC consultation on Healthcare Regulation: deciding when statutory regulation is appropriate
- BPS Response - NICE Depression Guidance
- BPS Briefing on the Acquired Brian Injury Bill
- BPS Written Evidence - Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill
- Health and Social Care Select Committee Submission - Workforce: Recruitment, Training and Retention in Health and Social Care
- BPS Response - Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy 2021-2024
- BPS Response - Health and Social Care Committee consultation on Children and Young People's Mental Health
- BPS Response - Work and Pensions Committee consultation on Children in poverty: Measurement and targets
- BPS Response - Strategy for an ageing society: age friendly Wales
- BPS Response - Treasury Spending Review 2021
- BPS Response - Draft Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework and draft statutory instrument
- BPS Response - DoHNI consultation on the Mental Health Strategy 2021-2031
- BPS Response - Scottish Government Draft Public Engagement Strategy for Climate Change
- BPS Response - (NICE) Babies, children and young people's experience of healthcare
- BPS Response - Department of Health and Social Care Reforming the Mental Health Act
- BPS Response - DHSC consultation on Regulating Healthcare Professions
- BPS Response - NICE Consultation on Looked After Children guidelines
- BPS Response - Psychological services via the internet and other non-direct means: recommendations for ethical practice
- BPS Response - Independent Children's Social Care Review Team
- BPS Response to the Independent review of Medical Experts in the Family Courts
- BPS response to the CQC Review on Restraint, Seclusion and Segregation
- BPS response to the (Children and Young People's Mental Health Coalition) CYPMHC members' report - Call for evidence
- BPS response to the (YoungMinds) Early Intervention Review - Call for Evidence
- BPS Response - House of Commons Commission Independent Complaints Process
- BPS response to the (NHS England) Psychological Professions Vision for England 2019-24
- BPS response to the Welsh Government consultation on managing the transition from children's to adults' healthcare services
- BPS Response - CYPEC scrutiny of Covid-19 and its impact on children and young people
- BPS Response - Scottish Government Mental Health Law Review
- BPS Response - APPG Inquiry HIV and Covid-19
- BPS Response - Impact of Covid-19 on Health and Social Care in Wales
- BPS Response - Protecting participants in TV and radio programmes: Further consultation on new broadcasting rules
- BPS Response - House of Lords Covid-19 Committee - Long-Term Implications of the Pandemic
- BPS response to (NICE) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome consultation
- BPS response to the BSI consultation on psychological health and safety at work - managing psychosocial risks
- BPS response to the Early Years Healthy Development Review: call for evidence
- BPS response to (HCPC) Standards of Proficiency
- BPS response to (Covid-19 Committee) Inquiry on the impact of digitalisation
- BPS Response - NICE consultation on Management of Long-Term Effects of Covid-19
- BPS response to the (NICE) consultation on Looked-after children and young people
- BPS response to the (Scottish Government) Neurological conditions national action plan 2019-2024 draft
- BPS response to the Older People's Commissioner for Wales
- BPS response to the (NICE) consultation on Dementia (Update) Draft Quality Standard
- BPS Response to the (NICE) Service model for people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour
- BPS response to the Women and Equalities Committee inquiry into the Mental Health of Men and Boys
- BPS response to the Health and Social Care Committee Drug Policy Inquiry
- BPS response to the (Scottish Government) Good Food Nation consultation
- BPS response to the (Ofsted) consultation on Education Inspection Framework 2019
- BPS Response - APPG Inquiry into HIV and Mental Health
- BPS response to the Department of Health and Social Care consultation on Learning Disability and Autism Training for Health and Care Staff
- BPS response to the (Welsh Government) Healthy Weight: Healthy Wales consultation
- BPS Response to the response to the Social Security Advisory Committee Inquiry on the Claimant Commitment
- BPS Response to the (Skills for Health) Apprenticeship Standard for Clinical Associate Psychologist
- BPS Response to the (NICE) Suicide Prevention Consultation
- BPS Response to the Home Office Review of Drugs
- BPS Response to the Cabinet Office Procurement Consultation
- BPS Response to the Liaison Committee Inquiry Into The Effectiveness and Influence of the Select Committee System
- BPS response to the (Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee) Reality TV: Call for Evidence
- BPS Response to the Online Harms White Paper
- BPS Response to the Character and Resilience: Call for Evidence
- BPS response to the Scottish Government consultation on a new National Public Health body
- BPS response to the "Together for Mental Health" delivery plan 2019-2022
- BPS Response to the NICE Mental Wellbeing at Work consultation
- BPS Response to the Ofcom Protecting Participants in TV and Radio programmes consultation
- BPS Response to the Health and Social Care Board: Regional Trauma Network consultation
- BPS Response to the GEO Consultation on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
- BPS response to the DWP Health is Everyone's Business consultation
- BPS response to the DHSC Advancing Our Health: Prevention in the 2020s consultation
- BPS Response to the DEFRA National Food Strategy Call for Evidence
- BPS Response to the (NHS Scotland) Independent review of Learning Disability and Autism in the Mental Health Act
- BPS Response to the (NICE) Consultation on Decision-Making and Mental Capacity