Colleagues informal meeting


The Communications team build the profile of psychology and psychologists by connecting the media with our expert members from all areas of the society.


Whether you work in the media or you're a member of the BPS, our friendly and dedicated communications team is here to provide the information you need. 

Email is the quickest and easiest way to get in touch with a member of the team. Email us, or alternatively, you can call the BPS Press Office on 07483413805 or 07496180677.

Media Guide to Expertise Register

Our Media Guide to Expertise register connects journalists looking for psychological expertise with BPS members who are willing to be contacted.

If you would like to add your name to the register, you'll first need to apply.

The process only takes a few minutes, and we'll contact you in due course once we have received your application.

Sign up to the BPS Media Guide to Expertise register 

Working with the media

For members of the BPS, we're committed to making sure that psychology is promoted and discussed in the media. If you would like to raise the profile of your specialism, need advice or wish to be added to our list of media psychologists - please contact us.

All psychologists working with the media should uphold our professional standards.

If you are likely to be doing regular work with the media and would like specific tips or training, please contact us

Media ethics

Documentaries about people with psychological conditions have done much to increase public understanding.

Production companies working with members of the public, particularly children or those who may be vulnerable due to a mental health issue, should take careful steps to ensure they meet safeguarding requirements.

From comments on behalf of the society to putting you in contact with a psychologist who has the information you need for a particular story, we're here to help. We can also provide you with access to our guidelines for commissioners and producers on ethical psychology considerations. Our Media Ethics Group is here to support and advise on best practice. Feel free to get in touch with us.

Psychologists on television

Psychologists can be involved in television programmes in a number of different ways, both on and off camera.

By using psychologists who are members of the BPS, production companies can be assured the expert they are utilising has in-depth training and qualifications in psychology and has signed up to a set of Member Conduct Rules.

Our Media Database for journalists gives details on how to get in touch with more than 600 media-friendly psychologists.

Roles on TV for Psychologists

Whatever role the psychologist performs, the key is to involve them early in the process. Production companies who factor in ample time will most probably find the most appropriate psychologist.

Generating ideas

As the expert in their area, psychologists are in a position to offer the very latest insights and ideas. If they are approached early in the process (rather than when a programme has already been commissioned or is in production) they may be able to suggest different angles or inspiration.

It is also important to involve psychologists at the beginning of the process so they can advise production companies whether or not the programme idea is supported by evidence. Psychologists use evidence to underpin everything they do, so problems occur if they are asked to be part of programme that is based on an assumption that the evidence does not support.

Involving a psychologist early in the process also helps to flag up any potential problem areas, including ethical implications, before too much time is invested in a project.

Research and advice

Psychologists can also be involved in more in-depth research, citing studies or theories that may be of use. They can also offer suggestions as to how tasks might be carried out or environments might be changed to make them more accessible or suitable for television.

Selection and screening of participants

Psychologists, and more specifically clinical or counselling psychologists, are able to assess the mental well being of people who could potentially become involved in television programmes. They carry out clinical assessment using methods including psychological tests, interviews and direct observation of behaviour.

Off-camera support

Psychologists can work behind the scenes to ensure the well-being of participants. They can discuss with the participants the implications of taking part and make sure each individual gives informed consent. They can also take responsibility for the mental health of the participants and/or crew while the programme is being made and be a willing and understanding person to speak to once the programme has concluded.

On-camera support

Exactly the same role as above can be filled by the psychologist who appears on-camera as the psychologist who is involved behind the scenes. The on-camera psychologist will ensure the well-being of participants although the on-camera psychologist's actions will of course be filmed. However, there are times when it is necessary to have a separation between what is said to a psychologist in public (on-camera) and what is said in private (off-camera).


Psychology is the study of the mind and behaviour so it covers more or less everything we do in everyday life. Therefore, psychologists are often able to provide psychological insights into every day behaviours and thought processes. They can analyse footage or be interviewed as a 'talking head' However, psychologists specialise in particular areas of psychology when they undertake their postgraduate qualifications and training so are not qualified to talk in-depth about all areas.


While psychologists are respected academics or practitioners they are also very enthusiastic about their subject and so can make great presenters. This is helped by the fact that most are used to presenting psychology in a non-scientific way meaning they can make it accessible to television audiences.

It is unlikely that a psychologist will want to be involved in presenting a programme if they have been involved in selection or are offering support.