Book Award

Applications will open on 10 March 2025 and close on 22 June 2025.

This award recognises high standards of published works in psychology, with nominees able to nominate books in any of the following categories:

  • Academic monograph – a significant scholarly work, usually by a single author that has contributed to, defined or redefined an area of psychological knowledge.
  • Practitioner texts – a manual, reference or handbook, that has made a significant impact in expounding and promulgating an evidence-based approach, to an area of practice of psychology.
  • Textbook – an instructional text or manual on one area of psychological knowledge or on psychology more generally for the specific purpose of contributing to a course of psychological study that has made a significant impact on the learning and teaching of psychology.
  • Popular science – an exposition of an area of psychology or psychology more generally, written in an accessible way and aimed at the general reader.

Each category will receive one award.

The award includes a commemorative certificate and the sum of £500.

Please note: the £500 prize is awarded per book, not per author.


  • Nominations open on 10 March 2025 at 9:00am
  • Nominations close on 22 June 2025 at 11:59pm

Please note: This is an annual award.

Application criteria


Criteria and eligibility are subject to change (changes will be applied when the award is open to nominations)

Nominations must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • The author or at least one co-author must be resident in the UK
  • We can only accept nominations for books published after 01 January 2021
  • The book must be consistent with the society's Guidelines on The Use of Non-Sexist Language (copies of which are available on request)
  • Only first editions of a book are considered
  • Edited collections of papers are not eligible
  • Books published by the society under the partnership with Routledge are not eligible

Assessment criteria

The panel will assess each book on how successful it has been in achieving its purposes. As well as:

  • The engagement of the writing style
  • Whether the book communicates aspects of psychological science, such as presenting some research details, including findings and not just conclusions
  • Accuracy of content with no misleading claims or outdated theories

Conflicts of interest

  • Nominators must declare all personal and professional conflicts of interest – e.g. if nominating a spouse/partner or other relation
  • A conflict of interest will not prevent acceptance of the nomination but will be borne in mind by the awarding panel when considering the award
  • If we become aware of a conflict of interest that you have not declared, we will have to discount the nomination

How to apply

Nomination forms must be completed and submitted online.

Please read the following information before submitting your nomination.

  • Nominators can make up to a maximum of two nominations in each category (please submit nominations separately).
  • Individuals, authors, publishers, or their agents may make a nomination.
  • Nomination submissions must include the title of the book; the category in which it is being nominated; the name(s) and full contact details (including email address) of the author(s) and the publisher and the date of publication.

Please include a statement (approximately one side of A4), explaining:

  • Why the author(s) should receive the Book Award
  • Why the book is relevant now, what new issues/approaches it includes and how it differs from previous publications.
  • What is the focus of evidence (e.g. theoretical discussions or experimental research, case studies supported by previous work, the author's own research etc.).
  • Who the intended audience is and why they should read it.
  • How the book will enhance knowledge, research, practice, or day-to-day life.

In addition:

  • Please provide an electronic copy of the book. This will greatly assist the panel.
  • If we do not receive any books of sufficient merit within a category, we reserve the right to make no award.

Submit a nomination

The deadline for submissions is 22 June 2025 at 11:59pm

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Please note: We cannot accept late nominations.







  • Popular Science category - Alan Baddeley
    Working Memories: Postmen, Divers and Cognitive Revolution
  • Academic Monograph category - Elisabeth Murray; Steven Wise and Kim Graham 
    The Evolution of memory systems: ancestors, anatomy and adaptions
  • Textbook category - Colin Cooper
    Psychological Testing: Theory and Practice
  • Practitioner Text category - Jill Boucher
    Autism Spectrum Disorder: Characteristics, Causes and Practical Issues


  • Popular Science category - Tali Sharot
    The Influential Mind: What the Brain Reveals About Our Power to Change Others
  • Textbook category - Jennifer Brown, Yvonne Shell and Terri Cole
    Forensic Psychology: Theory, Research, Policy, Practice
  • Academic Monograph category - Chris Chambers
    The Seven Deadly Sins of Psychology: A Manifesto for Reforming the Culture of Scientific Practice



  • Popular Science category - Richard Stephens
    Black Sheep: The Hidden Benefits of Being Bad
  • Textbook category - Andrew P. Wickens
    A History of the Brain: From Stone Age Surgery to Modern Neuroscience
  • Practitioner Text category - Rudi Coetzer and Ross Balchin
    Working with Brain Injury - A Primer for Psychologists Working in Under-Resourced Settings
  • Academic Monograph category - Susan Golombok
    Modern Families: Parents and Children in New Family Forms


  • Popular Science category - Michael Bond
    The Power of Others: Peer Pressure, Groupthink, and How the People Around Us Shape Everything We do
  • Textbook category - Lynne Murray
    The Psychology of Babies


  • Popular Science category - Tali Sharot
    The Optimism Bias... Why We're Wired to Look on the Bright Side
  • Textbook category - John Cromby, David Harper, and Paula Reavey
    Psychology, Mental Health, and Distress


  • Popular Science category - Claudia Hammond
    Time Warped: Unlocking the Mysteries of Time Perception
  • Textbook category - Victoria Clarke, Sonja J. Ellis, Elizabeth Peel, and Damien W. Riggs
    Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Queer Psychology: An Introduction
  • Practitioner Text category - Emma Donaldson-Feilder, Joanna Yarker, and Rachel Lewis
    Preventing Stress in Organizations: How to Develop Positive Managers
  • Academic Monograph category - Claire Hughes
    Social Understanding and Social Lives: From Toddlerhood Through to the Transition to School