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Updates from the Practice Board HCPC Subgroup - October 2023

The Practice Board’s HCPC Subgroup seeks to improve liaison with the Health and Care Professions Council. It meets with and corresponds with HCPC colleagues across the council. Updates from the October 2023 meeting.

24 October 2023

1. HCPC Standards of Proficiency (SOPs)

The HCPC Standards of Proficiency (SOPs) have been updated, and the new version for registered psychologists went live for all registrants from 1 September 2023. For further detail please see Practitioner psychologists | (hcpc-uk.org)

2. Fitness to Practise (FtP)

The Professional Standards Authority, via its performance review, has acknowledged improvement by the HCPC against its standards PSA statement | publication of performance review 2022/23 for the HCPC (professionalstandards.org.uk)  The HCPC now meets 16 of the 18 standards set by the PSA.  However. the PSA found with regard to FTP, the following:

The HCPC has continued to make progress in embedding processes which are designed to improve the quality and timeliness of its investigations. Some of these measures are starting to take effect and we are encouraged by what we have seen. However, this year's audit showed that some weaknesses remain, and it was still taking too long for investigations to conclude. Therefore, the HCPC did not meet Standard 15 for timeliness and quality of investigations in fitness to practise.

Although we [PSA] saw some improvement in the support provided to parties participating in the fitness to practise process, the feedback we received from HCPC stakeholders, and the findings from our audit, demonstrated that the HCPC still has improvements to make. The HCPC therefore did not meet Standard 18.

We continue to support BPS members with long-delayed cases and we highlight these to the HCPC for attention. We continue to work with the HCPC seeking to improve processes. It is anticipated that regulatory reform will enable some improvements to FTP systems. 

3. HCPC Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics (SCPEs), and Social Media  

The revised Standards of Conduct Performance and Ethics have been approved by HCPC's Council. See HCPC's response to the consultation. The revised Standards come into effect on 1 September 2024.

We are supporting the HCPC on post-consultation implementation. The main areas of change to the Standards relate to: equality diversity and inclusion, communication, duty of candour, upskilling and training responsibilities and managing existing health conditions and disabilities in the workplace.

Sustainability was also discussed in the consultation. However, the standard on sustainability was not included in this review cycle. HCPC will be updating their online materials to provide resources on practising sustainably, and they will be discussing sustainability as part of the review of the Standards of Education and Training in 2024. 

4. The HCPC have concluded their consultation on Preceptorship

Following our consultation submission – we are anticipating working with the HCPC on psychology-specific guidance concerning preceptorship.

5. Standards of Education and Training (SETS)

The HCPC's Standards of Education and Training, pre-engagement work will begin in the coming months.  This will be a major piece of work for the HCPC during 2024. We will be contributing to this important piece of work. 

6. Tone of voice review

HCPC's tone of voice review which is attempting to improve the quality and sensitivity of communication with registrants is on track - new template letters/emails being rolled out during September and October 2023.  

7. FtP Concerns for Registered Psychologists 2022/2023

During 2022/2023 there were 224 registered psychologists with at least one FTP concern that passed the first stage of the three-stage FtP process.

8. HCPC FTP Registrant Support Helpline

The FtP registrant support helpline was launched at the end of April 2023. Please see here for further details FTP registrant support service | (hcpc-uk.org)

9. English language proficiency

HCPC Council have approved the upcoming consultation document on English language proficiency for international applicants. The Society will be taking an active role in this consultation.

10. Communications

We continue to meet with HCPC colleagues on a regular basis and raise matters that have been drawn to our attention by members. 

Please do contact us if there are areas of improvement we can work on with the HCPC.

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