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Psychology Matters

We’re now just a few days away from the 2024 General Election, and our manifesto outlines why Psychology Matters in developing good policy.

28 June 2024

By Sarb Bajwa

The society is passionate about the fundamental role that psychology has to play in helping to tackle some of the biggest issues that people face in the UK.

This includes making sure that we're improving the health and wellbeing of our children and young people, helping to lift people out of poverty, ensure social equality, and play our part in facing up to the climate emergency.

We've already seen the value of psychology during the Covid-19 pandemic, when psychology was fundamental to the delivery of effective policy that saved lives, from social distancing to the roll out of the vaccination programme. 

We hope that the next government can harness the power of psychology, because we know it has the power to deliver successful and effective policy that transforms lives and society for the better.

I want to thank all the members involved in developing the manifesto, with fantastic ideas represented from across the breadth of psychology. You can read the thoughts of some of them on our campaign page.

In the run up to the election, we've also joined forces with more than 200 organisations to support the 'Guarantee our Essentials' campaign, led by the Trussell Trust and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, which is calling for the next government to end poverty and hardship in the UK – an issue which we focus on in the manifesto.

We've also responded to the major political parties' manifestos, delving into what they mean for psychology, mental health and other key issues – you can keep up-to-date with these responses on our campaign page.

I'd really encourage you to read the full manifesto and find out more about why Psychology Matters at this election. You can also get involved and post on our digital wall to share your own message – just select 'create post' in the top right hand corner.

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